Seeds By Three

The Elements Zodiac Pack for Capricorn


Responsible  Disciplined  Self controlled

Keep this blend at your desk (where else would Capricorn be after-all?) and put a few drops on the wrists when you need a respite from overwork.

Use this blend when you want to boost your natural drive, when you’re feeling stressed, or when you want to tap into your emotional side.

The Elements Zodiac Pack comes with 10 ml Capricorn Essential oil blend, 10 ml Capricorn Roll on and 3 Crystals (Carnelian,  Clear Quartz and Howlite)

Essential oil blend ingredients: Lavender, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Cypress

Roll On ingredients: Jojoba oil, Lavender, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Cypress

Kit also comes ready for gifting in a sturdy metal box with a beautiful black matte finish




The Saturn-ruled Capricorn has a reputation for being on the serious side. But for as much as they have a determined outer shell, they are soft inside. Being an earth sign, Capricorn loves to spend time outdoors when not at their desk and mirrors groundedness in their inner landscape. The sign of the goat is a sure-footed climber, always moving up in the world. Disciplined and responsible, Capricorn works hard to build things that will last and dedicates themselves to the task at hand fully. Prone to overwork, they can burn out and lose touch with their emotional side if they don’t take the time to self-nurture. Saturn rules the bones and Cap can suffer from joint pains and strains.

Tea tree helps alleviate the achy knees and joints Capricorn may suffer on their climb to the top. Peppermint reconnects Capricorn to their emotional, nurturing side and provides a welcome respite from over work. Cypress supports Capricorn’s innate ability to believe in themselves and blow past any barriers to their success

Capricorn’s natural work ethic is boosted by Carnelian which encourages a sense of determination and passion. It brings an energy of forward momentum while reducing the anxieties that come from the over-work Capricorn is prone to.

Clear Quartz helps Capricorn connect to a higher consciousness and discover a deeper purpose and meaning in their lives beyond their day-to-day work. It provides them a sense of strength and positivity and amplifies the effect of other crystals. Clear Quartz offers Capricorn a boost in concentration and memory retention and improves their already strong intellectual abilities.

Howlite offers Capricorn a respite from over-thinking and promotes healthy emotional responses. It soothes their anxious nerves and settles their overactive minds while inspiring them to strive to be the best version of themselves. It provides an enhanced connection to a higher calling and reminds them to take much needed rest.


Directly from the bottle or breathe in 2 – 3 drops rubbed in palms for immediate relief.


Place 5 – 10 drops in a diffuser or oil burner. The amount depends on the size of the room and preference for strength of aroma.


Add 5 drops to 10 ml of carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil etc


For a deeply relaxing bath add 10 – 20 drops to a full bath.

Cotton Ball

Place a few drops on a cotton ball and put under your pillow, in the car vent or tuck into a pocket.

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