Seeds By Three




When energies are flagging this blend is formulated with zingy citrus to brighten the atmosphere and lift the mood to create a positive space for all. Energy is a great Monday morning blend to lift enthusiasm in the office or work space.

Bergamot essential oil has calming and uplifting characteristic and is excellent for mental equilibrium. Bergamots ability to improve blood circulation leads to an increase in energy and feelings of uplift and freshness.

Fennel (sweet) essential oil has a balancing effect on the nervous system. Fennel can promote motivation and develop the courage to make changes.

Peppermint essential oil is known for its usefulness in assisting with emotional fatigue and clearing the head. It is a mental stimulant that promotes mental clarity and encourages positive thoughts.

Basil essential oil is widely used for mental fatigue and depression. It is an excellent oil for the brain as it clears the mind and assists with concentration.

Lime* essential oil is stimulating and refreshing and it assists the mind to stay alert and clear. Its fresh, sharp aroma is instantly uplifting.

Clary Sage* essential oil has long been used for greater alertness and to stimulate mental activity. It can reduce anxiety and it has known antidepressant properties that promotes calm and reduces stress.

*Indicates oil is not organic

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